Wine Varietals
Wine varietals refer to wines that are made of a single, dominant type of grape such as moscato wine, cabernet sauvignon and chardonnay. Those are examples of well know wine varietals, but in actuality there are dozens upon dozens in production all over the world.
In Italy, some of the finest varietal wines are lesser known and not found on the shelves of chain stores. Reds like Barbera wine and sweet Lambrusco wine are enjoyed overseas and better known as varietals than blends. Carmenère wine from the Bordeaux region is popular and often mistaken for the better known varietal Merlot.
If you want to get a true taste of a type of grape, a wine varietal is the best option. These stand-alone wines bring out the full flavor that a grape has to offer and showcases the soil attributes that go into growing it.
At Enoteca Vino Nostro you’ll experience the best wines Italy has to offer at amazing prices. Buy 6 or more wine varietals and save 10% on your total order!